Allison Areias

Allison Areias

Strategic Partnerships & Initiatives

Allison Areias is piloting a new “Strategic Partnerships and Initiatives” portfolio within the Office of the Director at the UN Office of Outer Space Affairs, with a particular interest in forging partnerships between the commercial sector and emerging spacefaring nations.  Allison is the first-ever U.S. diplomat to be seconded to an office of the UN Secretariat.  As a Foreign Service Officer, she served overseas in Vietnam, Afghanistan, France, Sri Lanka, Canada, and Austria, and worked domestically on economic security, the protection of intellectual property rights, and as an advance officer for Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.  Prior to joining the Foreign Service, Allison was a federal marine wildlife attorney for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and U.S. Department of Justice.  She is also a former Peace Corps Volunteer and has diplomas from the Universities of California at Santa Barbara and Davis, France’s Ecole Nationale d’Administration, and the U.S. National War College.  

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