Dr. Andy Williams

Dr. Andy Williams

Deputy Technology Executive Officer for Space
Air Force Research Laboratory

Dr. Andrew ‘Andy’ Williams is the Deputy Technology Executive Officer for Space at the Air Force Research Laboratory responsible for integrating and executing AFRL’s space science and technology investments to deliver cutting edge technical capability to the U.S. Space Force.

Prior to his selection as the D-TEO, Williams served as the Space Mission Area Lead for AFRL’s Space Vehicles Directorate, coordinating the lab’s customer engagement strategy and ensuring synchronization with the tech needs of USSF, Space Operations Command, and Space System Command. He also led engagements with partners in the Department of Defense, the Intelligence Community, industry, and academia.

A graduate of Texas A&M University, Dr. Williams joined AFRL as a Palace Acquire Intern in 2003. In 2006, he launched a new research program in spacecraft thermal control and within three years, he grew the program to $35 million and leading five experiments flying on sounding rockets, the International Space Station, and NASA’s Zero-g Aircraft. In 2009, he became Deputy Program Manager for Integrated Structural Systems, and in 2013, he took over as PM where he led a team of 34 scientists and engineers executing a $140 million research portfolio ranging from basic research to tech transition in deployable structures, thermal control, structural sensing, and 3D printing. Williams has also served as author or co-author of 35 peer-reviewed articles and conference publications.

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