Heidi Ragsdale is a STEM educator’s educator! After nearly 20 years in eighth grade science, Heidi now runs STEM is My Future, LLC, where she provides STEM professional development for teachers with geographic information systems (GIS) technologies, problem-based learning, and Maker Ed.

Frank White

Author. Space Philosopher. Consultant

Frank White is a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard College, a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and a Rhodes Scholar. He earned an M.Phil. in Politics from Oxford, where he was a member of New College.

The fourth edition of Frank’s best-known book, The Overview Effect: Space Exploration and Human Evolution, was published by Multiverse Publishing, a division of Multiverse Media LLC, this year.

A film called “Overview,” based largely on his work, has had more than 8 million plays on Vimeo.

Frank conducted a series of interviews with astronauts at Johnson Space Center in June of 2019, which have now become the basis for NASA’s series called “Down to Earth,” available on YouTube and other NASA social media platforms.

In his latest book, The Cosma Hypothesis: Implications of the Overview Effect, (Multiverse Publishing 2019) Frank asks the fundamental question, “What is the purpose of human space exploration? Why has the evolutionary process brought humanity to the brink of becoming a spacefaring species?”

In Cosma, he also shares the idea of “the Human Space Program” as a central project that will engage a wide range of people in the process of exploring the universe.

Frank teaches at Harvard Extension School, Harvard Summer School, Boston University’s Metropolitan College, and Kepler Space Institute.

For additional information: frankwhiteauthor.com

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