As International Space Station (ISS) Program Manager, Mr. Montalbano is responsible for the overall management, development, integration, and operation of the ISS. This nearly $3B per year, 15-nation program encompasses the design, manufacture, testing, and delivery of complex space flight hardware and software and its integration with modules from international partners (IP) into a fully-functional and operating ISS with a permanent human presence. In addition, he is responsible for policy development, IP negotiations, development of low Earth orbit (LEO) commercialization, on-board research and utilization, and the overall safety and health of the crew and on-orbit vehicle.

Joel Montalbano

Manager, International Space Station Program

As International Space Station (ISS) Program Manager, Mr. Montalbano is responsible for the overall management, development, integration, and operation of the ISS. This nearly $3B per year, 15-nation program encompasses the design, manufacture, testing, and delivery of complex space flight hardware and software and its integration with modules from international partners (IP) into a fully-functional and operating ISS with a permanent human presence. In addition, he is responsible for policy development, IP negotiations, development of low Earth orbit (LEO) commercialization, on-board research and utilization, and the overall safety and health of the crew and on-orbit vehicle.

As Deputy ISS Program Manager, Montalbano worked across ISS organizations, NASA Centers, other government agencies, and international partners to ensure one functional integrated system. He also ushered the evolution of the ISS National Laboratory to support ISS Program, Agency, and national goals for scientific, technological, educational, and human space exploration while fostering commercial activities in LEO. Montalbano was also responsible for implementing Program policies, planning and directing the Program’s development and operations, and ensuring effective cost control of the Program.

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