Mike Edmonds

Michael Edmonds is the SVP of Strategy, Marketing, Sales and Human Resources at Blue Origin, a private space company working to radically reduce the cost of access to space and harness its vast resources for the benefit of Earth. Michael leverages his passion for and experience in space, STEAM, business, learning, and people development to lead Blue Origin’s Government Relations, Marketing, Communications, Sales, Strategy, Astronaut Experience, Corporate Development, and Human Resources functions. He is also President of Blue Origin’s nonprofit, Club for the Future, whose mission is to inspire and mobilize future generations to pursue careers in STEAM. Michael joined Blue Origin in 2018 after working at Honeywell for 18 years, where he most recently served as President of the Aerospace Services & Connectivity Business. At Honeywell, Michael held roles across multiple functions in the United States and abroad, including General Management, Supply Chain, Operations, Finance, Marketing, Customer Experience, and Business Development. He is a frequent speaker at STEAM and space events and can be found traveling the world to engage with audiences on how space benefits Earth. Michael has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Illinois State University and earned his Master of Business Administration from the University of Illinois.

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