Mike Kincaid

Mike Kincaid has served NASA for more than 35 years. He first joined NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, Texas, as an intern in 1987.  Now, as Associate Administrator, Kincaid oversees NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM), which connects students to NASA’s missions. OSTEM engages America’s educators, students, and institutions which contributes to NASA’s…

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Dr. Janine Davidson

Janine Davidson, Ph.D., has served as president of Metropolitan State University of Denver since 2017. She is a national thought leader in higher education and on topics such as public service, U.S. foreign policy and national security. As president of Colorado’s third-largest public university, Davidson is a fierce advocate for MSU Denver’s 17,000 students. From…

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Dr. Mordecai Ian Brownlee

Dr. Mordecai I. Brownlee is an inclusive educator who proudly serves as the sixth president of the Community College of Aurora. Within the first three years of his presidency, President Brownlee has already brought about significant change and improved the student success agenda at the Community College of Aurora. These successes include CCA embarking upon…

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Dr. Muhammad Sharif

Dr. Muhammad Sharif is an Advisor and Director Science and Technology at Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) at HQ Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco. ICESCO is an inter-governmental organization having 54 member states around the world, emanated from the (OIC), specializing in the fields of education, science and culture. Dr Sharif is an…

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Melody Korman

Melody holds a Double B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and Geoscience from Tel Aviv University and is an International Space University alumna. Previously serving as Flight Operation Manager for the first Israeli astronaut to the ISS on the AX-1 Mission, she now excels as Space Mission Manager at Rakia Mission, a public-benefit corporation (PBC) committed to…

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Rafael Kargren

Rafael has extensive background and career in the space industry spanning from ground communication systems to earth observation applications in global leading companies and institutions. Over the years, he has been working closely on many space related projects with space agencies around the world including NASA, European Space Agency (ESA), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA),…

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Natavan Hasanova

Natavan Hasanova joined Azercosmos in 2018 as a member of newly established Marketing and then Business Development team to develop new products and solutions in elimination of digital gap. She has participated at international satcom events to promote Azercosmos’s activities and to reach out to prospects, investors and the community. Since 2021, as Strategic Development…

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Robert Aillon

Robert Aillon is the founder and CEO of Leviathan Space Industries LLC, which is leading the initiative to develop a Private Spaceport in Ecuador. The Milo Space Science Institute has named Robert as its Ambassador to Ecuador to support workforce development efforts. Robert serves as President of the Guayaquil Space Society, a chapter of the National…

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David Thomas

David Thomas is executive director of the MILO Institute. The MILO Institute is dedicated to making deep space missions affordable and accessible to universities and space agencies around the world. Thomas has more than 25 years of experience building sustainable science and technology organizations for the defense industry and academic institutions. Prior to his role…

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