Wendy Williams

Wendy Williams is vice president and general manager of Launch and Missile Defense Systems for Northrop Grumman’s Space Systems sector, a premier provider of space launch and missile defense systems serving national security, civil and commercial customers. In this role, Williams is responsible for the execution, business development and financial performance of the company’s portfolio…

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Hon. Jim Bridenstine

Jim Bridenstine is an independent consultant focused on space, defense, and aeronautics. Previously, Jim served as the 13th Administrator of NASA, where he was responsible for managing NASA’s 70,000-person workforce and $23 billion annual budget.  Under his leadership, NASA reestablished an American human spaceflight program, which was lost after the retirement of the Space Shuttles in…

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Col. John D. Patrick

Colonel John D. Patrick is the NATO Combined Forces Space Component Command, Chief of Staff and Director of the NATO Space Operations Centre located at Allied Air Command Ramstein AB, Germany. He leads an 18-member team from 13 Nations in integrating Space across 33 Nations and 11 National Operations Centers to include Australia and Japan.…

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MGEN Michel Friedling, FRA-AF (Ret.)

A former general in the French air and space force, fighter pilot, graduate engineer from the École de l’Air, graduate of the École de Guerre and the Centre des Hautes Etudes Militaires (CEM), and former auditor of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale), Michel Friedling has held various positions in combat…

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Jim Cooper

Jim Cooper, as the Lead for Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Solutions, Government and Industry Relations at COMSPOC Corp, supports strategy and business development and execution, as well as marketing and sales, and engagement with government and industry associations, to deliver commercial SSA solutions to government, military, and commercial organizations worldwide, including the strategic pursuit and…

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Dr. Kathleen Vander Kaaden

Dr. Kathleen Vander Kaaden (she/her) is a program scientist in the Planetary Science Division at the NASA Headquarters. She is the Chief Scientist for Astromaterials Curation within the Science Mission Directorate at NASA and works closely with the Astromaterials Acquisition and Curation Office at NASA’s Johnson Space Center as well as any mission with NASA…

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Dr. Nancy Chabot

Dr. Nancy L. Chabot is a planetary scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, MD, USA. She was the Coordination Lead on NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission and an Instrument Scientist on NASA’s MESSENGER mission. She is currently involved in JAXA’s Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) mission and the…

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Dr. Yang Liu

Dr. Yang Liu is a Planetary Scientist and Supervisor of the Planetary Geosciences Group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory based in Pasadena, California, USA. She loves samples! Her research focuses on micron to nano-scale studies of planetary materials to understand the processes that shaped our planetary bodies. Dr. Liu’s contributions, using laboratory microbeam techniques, include…

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Dr. Masaki Fujimoto

Masaki Fujimoto is Deputy Director General of Institute of Space and Astronautical Science of JAXA, the science institute of Japanese space agency. He is in charge of developing space science program as well as in establishing international collaborations. Ever since he helped coordinating international collaboration in the analysis of asteroid samples returned by Hayabusa1, coupled…

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